Amazing Sand Grains From Around The World!
Complete activities at the bottom of this page.

Click Amazing Microscopic Sand Grain Picture Gallery
from (Click) Dr. Gary Greenberg's book A Grain of Sand.
What kind of photography is this?
Do you know where sand grains come from?
Most sand comes from quartz particles. Rough and sharp.
Some sand comes from basalt which makes black sand.
Dr. Greenberg is an inventor, scientist, and microphotographer. He even helped with an image in a Superman movie!
He is an interesting scientist. What is interesting about you?
Push Play to learn about his inventions!
from (Click) Dr. Gary Greenberg's book A Grain of Sand.
What kind of photography is this?
Do you know where sand grains come from?
Most sand comes from quartz particles. Rough and sharp.
Some sand comes from basalt which makes black sand.
Dr. Greenberg is an inventor, scientist, and microphotographer. He even helped with an image in a Superman movie!
He is an interesting scientist. What is interesting about you?
Push Play to learn about his inventions!
Activities: Write in your CYOA Adventures Journal.
1. Take your magnifying glass and examine sand in your kit.
What do you see?
2. ON a journal page. Write Today's date on first line.
Write title of Page. Sand Grains
1. Write three characteristics about sand grains.
2. Write three characteristic traits about Dr. Greenberg,
the sand scientist, photographer, and author.
When you finish the assignments, click Home.