Uncle Geo and Glowing Rocks
How many colors can you find?
Explore Zobel Exhibit Hall at Sterling Hill Mining Museum.
Invite your parents! Click Zobel
Uncle Geo's Website George Polman
Uncle Geo, expert on Fluorescent minerals, sets up museum displays.
For fun: Try this activity at home.
Click Cool investigation activity with long wave ultra violet flashlight
Uncle Geo, expert on Fluorescent minerals, sets up museum displays.
For fun: Try this activity at home.
Click Cool investigation activity with long wave ultra violet flashlight
***Activity : Record your answers in your CYOA Journal
1. Name three minerals that glow with long wave
ultraviolet light?
2. Name three places where fluorescents were found?
3. What are your favorite colors?
4. How much did one of the fluorescents cost?
5. What are its dimensions? How much does it weigh?
I am ready to move on: CYOA
1. When you are finished, you can rest at click Home.
2. I want to know what bullying Shoppers do to Digger.
I will see this story from a character's point of view.
click Shoppers.