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Artie and Callie Marble's Choose Your Own Adventures (CYOA)
Digger Dynamo: The Marble Family Digging Adventures

Callie and Artie Marble,“treasure- seeking” ten-year-old twins, love to dig. When they discover interesting objects, they celebrate: rocks, minerals, relics, fossils, artifacts, bones, coins, meteorites, old weapons, odd objects, jewelry, and more.
They enjoy rewards, BUT their digging passion sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences.
Quick thinkers, Callie and Artie, learn to "dig" themselves out of trouble, continue fantastic discoveries, and learn about their geoscience heritage.
At school, a group makes fun of them. Artie and Callie tolerate their teasing.“Shoppers” show off their latest purchases. They use their “shopper prints” (fingerprints) to buy fashions, fads, and the latest high-tech products. These kids make fun of Callie (Digger Dynamo), Artie, and their digging friends (The Earth Crew) who enjoy nature, don’t follow the fads, and don't mind dirt while they explore the Earth.
Start your adventures. You have work to do.
"DIG IN" to Choose Your Own Adventure CYOA!
They enjoy rewards, BUT their digging passion sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences.
Quick thinkers, Callie and Artie, learn to "dig" themselves out of trouble, continue fantastic discoveries, and learn about their geoscience heritage.
At school, a group makes fun of them. Artie and Callie tolerate their teasing.“Shoppers” show off their latest purchases. They use their “shopper prints” (fingerprints) to buy fashions, fads, and the latest high-tech products. These kids make fun of Callie (Digger Dynamo), Artie, and their digging friends (The Earth Crew) who enjoy nature, don’t follow the fads, and don't mind dirt while they explore the Earth.
- How do you stop bullies who bother you and other kids?
- Why does a “Shopper" join the Marble twins' Earth Crew?
Start your adventures. You have work to do.
"DIG IN" to Choose Your Own Adventure CYOA!
What is a "Digger Dynamo?" Why did Artie and Callie bury their little sister at the beach? How is Mica saved?
Just click on SAND CRAB. OR... Click on FLUORSCENTS. Who are these Shoppers? How do they bully Callie and Artie? How do Uncle Geo’s valuable fluorescent minerals disappear from the classroom? Classroom assignments: * Do this: Click on Tracking Sheet (Download and print. When you first visit a page, record the date, the page title, and comments. Keep a log as you work through the web pages. Together, as a class,we will fill out the first sheet.) (Do not answer these questions yet.)